What our customers say …
“Within a week we had multiple offers”
Barry and Team were excellent throughout the whole process. Cannot recommend highly enough. Ours was a bit complicated in that we needed a quick sale in order to be in the running for the house we were moving too. First contacted them via phone and then, that afternoon the sign was up and within a week we had multiple offers. Very responsive on any query or question we had.
Edward B
“Very professional in the successful selling of my home.“
Just want to say how brilliant it was to work with Global Properties last year in 2023. Barry and Rachel were fantastic, efficient and very professional in the successful selling of my home. Highly recommend!
Julie S
“We would recommend Global Properties to anyone looking to sell a house.”
We had a great experience with the global properties team. They really made the sale of my dads house as stress free as possible. We would recommend global properties to anyone looking to sell a house.
Anne H
Why You Should Choose Us
Achieve the best sale price for your property
We consistently achieve the Highest Sale prices in our area. Over 50% of our clients achieve above the asking price on average using our Smart Home Preparation system.
Trusted by hundreds of local property owners
We have hundreds of 5 Star reviews from other Home Sellers. We’re the #1 Selling Agent in your area with over 500 properties recently sold! Don’t just take our word for it, read our reviews!
1:1 Guidance with a seasoned Estate Agent
We are known throughout our local areas for our exceptional personal attention. When you choose us, we provide First Class support & will be in contact with you throughout the full process.
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