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Looking to buy a Property with your pension?

 Investor loses out on almost €100,000 by not seeking advice.

Pensions are a specialist business. So too is Property Investment, and while good advice is not free, bad advice is much more expensive, as one local property investor found out.

True Story:

Last week, a landlord who bought a property (without any advice from us), dropped in a key and appointed Global Properties Ltd. to manage his property investment.

The problem is that the property was previously let and is within the Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ), thereby capping the rent at just over €1,400 per month.

The open market rent (non RPZ) for this property is in excess of €2,200 per month, a full €800 per month (€9,600 p.a.) more than this landlord can charge. This means that over 10 years, this landlord’s pension will be down €96,000 in tax free income over this period.

If you are not familiar with current rental laws, RPZ, termination notices, RTB registration, etc. you need assistance immediately.

Bottom Line

If you, or a client of yours is looking to invest in a property as part of your pension, give Global Properties Ltd. a call and we will help you avoid this and many other pitfalls, and hopefully leave your pension pot €100,000 bigger in ten years’ time.

Global Properties Ltd. offer a free initial consultation with ‘Pension Investors’ and regularly source ‘off market’ properties for such investors.

Call us today.

12 Cook Street, Cork     &      Main St., Ballincollig

Tel:  021 4273038                021 4877133                    

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