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War in Ukraine. What can I do?

War in Ukraine, what can I do?

I am not a doctor. I am not a soldier. I am not an aid worker.

But I am a Property Professional. The last Irish census showed 220,000 vacant properties in Ireland, If we can bring 20,000 of these back into use, and assume 5 persons to each property, we can house the expected 100,000 refugees (or currently homeless people).

You can help. We all can help. Identify a vacant property, and send us the address and/or Eircode, and any other information you have on the property. We will use a variety of sources including Land Registry, Planning files, even knock on neighbour’s doors in an attempt to find the owner.

There are many reasons why a property is vacant, death, probate, nursing home, legal disputes, no money to refurbish, etc. But if toether we can find a solution to one or two, or ten, or twenty properties in Cork, imagine the joy a home can bring.

Do you know a property that is vacant as the owner is in a nursing home? We can let it short term, providing a home to somebody.

Do you know a property that is vacant because somebody has died? Probate (the transfer of ownership to the next-of-kin) takes about one year. We can let it short term, again allowing somebody a home, while the paper work is being done.

Do you know of a property where the owner has no money/desire to do it up? Again, we can try to find a solution.

Do you work in the Legal Department of #BOI, #AIB, #PTSB, #KBC, #UlsterBank? Can you bring a repossessed home to the market sooner?

We might only source 10 or 20 homes, but they all count. I am not a doctor, but I can help.

Con Nagle (021 4877133) is a property professional with 25 years experience. This will be a not for profit service to get people into homes.

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